Blah Blah Blog

A collection of random thoughts and such from my clearly overactive mind. Happy, sad, crazy, sarcastic, witty, pre-occupied thoughts put out into the the universe. Well, at least put out into Cyberspace, anyway.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

If I had Three Wishes....

Lets just say that I was a treasure hunter. That's a lot more fun than my current occupation (where I am now, typing this blog up.) Let's just say that me and Indiana Jones, that's right, I loves me some Hahn Solo, are in the Persian desert hunting treasure. Yes, I am well aware of the heat and the beads of sweat that collect on his sun kissed brow as we look deep into the eyes of one another....... That's a totally different blog. So, we find the lost treasure of Ali Baa-baa. And I realize that might not make a whole lotta sense, but I am in Persia with a significantly younger Harrison Ford- let me have my fantasy.

So we find the treasure and of all the gold and jewels and pearls and a lamp. Not like a Tiffany's or anything, but a genie lamp. I would say genie bottle, but that damn Christina Aguillria song might get stuck in my head. On a similar note, Indiana can rub me anyway he wants.... I digress......
POOF! This big blue genie appears after I rub the lamp! He has a round physique and his voice bears a striking resemblance to Robin Williams. So he sings a little song and does a little dance and says I have three wishes, but I can't wish for more wishes.
On the long trip back to America, I think over what my three wishes would be. I also devise a plan in regards to the safety of the lamp. Indie has no say in the matter whatsoever, because I will include him in my first wish. That will make him happy.

For my first wish, I wish that Indiana Jones and I are both as wealthy as the Olson twins, with taxes being up to date and nothing owed. I think this pretty much sets us up for life. It also gives us the groundwork for buying anything I didn't wish for. E-Z fo sheezy.

For my next wish, I wish for all incurable diseases to be eradicated. I'm covered under that one, and so are a few family members and friends, not to mention most of the worldly population that would benefit.

For my final wish, I think I would have to go with the no more acts of violence and crime. I figure that is a big umbrella that covers your local crooks and terrorists alike.

Now, in procurement for my family's well being, I shall pass the lamp to my mother. This will insure that the rest of my family gets the lamp and can help themselves as needed. After each member has used the lamp, the last one is to free the genie so that no one can un-wish our wishes and bring more pain and suffering back into the world. There might be better things to do with those wishes, but I think I'm off to a good start. As for me and Indiana Jones? Well folks, I could let you read it, but you would have to be 21 and up and pay a dollar a word to read it!


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