Points of Ponderment...
It's 2007. I have been thinking in the last few days a few points of ponderment. I shall, of course, materialize my thoughts here- in cyberspace- for all to read. I'm sure by the end of this, you will have the same WTF? look on you face as I do when someone tries to talk to me when I am listening to my iPod in the grocery store. The know I'm listening too! Not only can they SEE the damn ear plugs, but they can clearly see me doing a slight little dance as I am trying to select wine. Why try to talk to me? Middle-aged white woman? I am in the freaking wine isle apparently I too think you can buy alcohol on Sunday. God Bless Virginia.
And then there are those sympathetic insults- I was thinking about this today. Why would you say, oh, you LOOK like you don't feel good today. What kind of shit is that? That is an outright insult, wrapped up in some sympathy. But you know what they say, of every ten persons who talks about you, nine will say something bad, and the tenth with say something good in a bad way. Or is it bad in a good way? Either way, am I the only person that ten people would all be talking bad about? Perhaps. I can live with that. Which brings me right around to unfriends.
Choose your friends carefully, but choose your unfriends even more so wisely. Unfriends are the good friends you once had that crossed you. Or that have changed so drastically that you no longer have any interest or any effort in being their friends. *I'm eating dry chex cereal right now-mmmmm, I loves me some chex!* If someone is no longer a desirable friend, you can unfriend them. BUT YOU CAN NEVER REFRIEND AN UNFRIEND. This excludes family, who God clearly pays to love you. Which is why you choose carefully. Unfriending is sometimes easy, someone does something so bad to you that your anger will not allow you to have any more concern for them. Sometimes it's harder. Sometimes, you can't believe it came down to it and you've lost someone that you care for forever. And you know what, that one never stops hurting. Then there's the type where you just grew apart, lost touch, and the friendship wasn't worth it after all to try to revive. The unfriends usually see it coming, unless they have changed so much and you're so different they think you're still friends. I've been unfriended before. Like I said, guess we weren't as good of friends as I thought. But you know what they say in Uck'em...
And what about 7th Heaven? How is it that you can watch one re-run on the WB and then accidentally catch the current episode and still know everything that's going on? And damn if you don't have to watch the entire hour! Just sucks you in. I'm not saying it's a wasted hour of my life or anything, not like realizing one day that you're watching the Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Boobs Hewett and my God! That hour can never be regained. She is SUCH a bad actress! And has a bad haircut. Who told her that everyone looks good in bangs? Probably someone who she unfriended. And then she has to stand there, quivering in the rain in her little linen blouse. I just wanna bitch slap her and tell her to stop shopping in Baby Gap. By some clothes that fit! But then, if she wasn't half naked, men might have to actually concentrate on her acting and she would end up homeless, penniless, 50 pounds over weight and living in a van down by the river. Look what happened to Pam Anderson after BayWatch. OK, so she's still hot, but she was married to Kid Rock (not to be confused with Chris Rock) and that has to equal van by the river. Or, well, white trash trailer by the river.
Speaking of: Britney Spears. Never mind- that's too easy. Easy being the key word.
And I lost my keys last weekend, and it took a half a day to track them down. But on the plus side, my friend Mo got to see how he would look as a white woman, since I had to wear his clothes out to lunch. Thankfully he has great taste, but then we are friends, so that's obvious. The Pleather pants were not making it to Azar's for lunch. They are for evening wear strictly. But pretty impressive in their own right, not to be worn like at work or anything.
Speaking of, I'm stealing Internet time right meow. I used to go to the library, but using the public keyboard wigged me out. You never know where the fingers have been that touch those keys and mouses! Or is that mice? Whateva. I'm rollin up outta here- it's only the second day of the year, I've got 363 days left to make this the best year of my life! Check the closest mirror to you my friend, even if you stole it from a condo you looked at, but didn't buy: there, there it is.... that WTF look! Happy New Year Bitches!
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