Blah Blah Blog

A collection of random thoughts and such from my clearly overactive mind. Happy, sad, crazy, sarcastic, witty, pre-occupied thoughts put out into the the universe. Well, at least put out into Cyberspace, anyway.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Contract, not Resolution...

So, it's New Year's again. 2007, Bitches. As I review the past months, and realize that I have 51 hours left of 2006, I ponder the bazaar chain of events that have led me to the current standing agreement I have agreed to. (I like the redundancy of the word 'agree'.) Two of my friends have decided to join forces and prevent me from choosing the men I date for 365 days.

See, I was beginning to think that I was dating the same two men over and over and they just had different heads so I could tell them apart. If you're reading this and we dated in 2004-2006, you fall into one of the these categories. I will not get into too much detail with this, because I don't want to waste a minute of my 51 hours regretting my actions in the past.

The contract I have willingly entered into states that I will not initiate a date or flirt with any men, as well as that must stop being a kissing slut. This stipulation is covered under Article K, Section IV, Page Six. This will by far be the greatest challenge. I have also agreed to not call the guys. They must call me, unless they are waiting for me to confirm later plans. Plans that I am not allowed to plan. Now, there is one contingency to this agreement. This is not to be used for the forces of evil. I clearly needed to lay down some rules.

Firstly, I told them, don't try to set me up with anyone you wouldn't date yourself. Next, this is not to be used as an opportunity to act vengeance upon me from past deeds or if you're currently pissed at me. The guy (ah, must be a guy) needs to have a valid drivers license and NOT live at home with his folks. No offense to the ones that do not meet the guidelines, but it's just not my bag.

Back to my pondering... I've dated and made out with, well, strangers, and stayed out way too late and gotten way too drunk way too many times. Then I was hung up on this guy, I was ready to make a ------wait for it------- drum roll------- commitment ( I caught monogamy hanging out with the two friends that have started this ball of dating danger rolling) and this guy didn't realize I was a catch (damnit!) and let me slip through his fingers. It was after this unfortunate circumstance that they told me I was no longer in control of the situation and hence the pack was forged. I am looking foward to someone else being behind the wheel, really. Stay tuned- it should at least make for some interesting blogs! Now if you'll excuse me, I have 50.5 hours to do whatever I please. I need to slip into my pleather pants.....


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Eeeeekkk said...

Note to self: seduce Cori's friends so I can get to her.


Just kidding, I'd never past your rigorous dating requirements. Just so you know: I set my dating bar at:

1. Must not have noticeable burns or scars,

2. Must not currently be selling her body for crack or PCP

I guess we're both dreamers unwilling to accept reality and learn to compromise.


At 4:57 PM, Blogger Coriander said...

It was the "making out with strangers way too much, and getting way too drunk" that hooked ya, huh? You're right though, I'm setting the bar pretty high, I guess. Not living with the parents and must have own wheel. I bet you could limbo right on past my friends though...And who wants to accept reality, anyway?


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