SORRY: a. Feeling sorrow; grieved; sorrowful; wretched; pitiful.
Does saying your sorry about something ever really make it alright? If you do something, or say something that hurts or upsets someone does it magically make it all better to apologize? Or are you basically saying that you can go through life doing what you please regardless of how your actions might impact others and then just shrug and say sorry to make all forgotten?
As children we are taught that saying you're sorry is a polite way to tell someone that you recognize you were bad. And as children, this action is rewarded with forgiveness.
As Catholics you are taught that to say you're sorry and ask for forgiveness is an obligation, and will bring you closer to God if you are truly sorrowful for what you have done. You have to confess your sins to a priest for such forgiveness.
As an adult we learn that nothing is that cut and dry. Selfishness is the way of the world. You try to treat people fairly, but in the grand plan of things, it comes down to 'How does this effect me?' And then you judge the sitch accordingly. In your own pursuit of happiness, if someone else gets let down, can you just say sorry to make that person feel better?
I think there is a difference between intentionally and unintentionally upsetting someone, and maybe apologies fit in there. If I know for a fact that I am about to do something that will directly impact displeasure on someone, can I then later say I was sorry about it? Will this lesson the action or words? Will it make the other person think they were silly for even entertaining thoughts of unpleasantries? I think not. But if someone accidentally does something that they didn't realize was going to upset someone, then can they use verbal apologies and make the person who feels upset feel vindicated?
Here's what I think: I think that apologies are bullshit most of the time. Nothing can be taken back, nothing can be done over. Things can only be learned from and changed for future events. Don't tell me you're sorry about something. It won't change anything at that point. Don't say you're sorry before you do something and then do it anyway, either. That doesn't lessen the blow or make it easier. If you were really sorry, you would find a way around these actions. I think there is something to be said about a heartfelt apology. Like when the person is in tears and says they are going to find some way to make it up to you. Or brings such a gesture forth when they are apologizing. That shows that they feel bad about making you feel bad. But it still doesn't take back the action or words, so is it really effective?
I could say I was sorry about rambling on about this point, but then if I was really sorry, why did I post the blog? See what I mean........
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