Your Girl is an Idiot.
I have a roommate that I had no hand in choosing. I thought it best not to protest the idea last month because I pay ridiculously low rent and did not want to give my landlords any reason to raise it. I also don't plan on living there for much longer and thought it would be nice for the landlords to already have someone else living there. That way I don't have to clean anything but my room. Bonus.
There are however, a few downfalls. first of all, his cologne stinks. It might not smell that bad if it weren't for the fact that he wears so much of it that my sense of smell is overloaded and I have to use all of my strength to not vomit as I brush my teeth. I have helped to avoid this by both holding my breath and putting on the fan while in the bathroom for any reason, since he insists on spraying himself in there. I do the same, as all of my Bath and Body Works daily use lotions and sprays are located in there. I can only hope the scents displease him in an effort to balance out the universe.
Next we have the problem that he has to use all of my things. From the pillow he lays his head on to the silverware he eats with. The furniture, the pots and pans, the drapes, comforter and even back patio table: All mine. He has nothing but clothes and a mismatch of flatware and plates I'm sure he lifted from Applebee's. He shows no respect to my things and we had to have a little chat about eating anything with a marinara sauce in it on my furniture. I did not, however, confront him on finishing off the last double shot of Southern Comfort that was in the freezer. Again, of MINE. Since it wasn't a half, or even a quarter of a bottle, I figured I couldn't really ask for a replacement. All future bottles of alcohol will be kept in my bedroom, getting me just a little closer to alcoholism.
He is also loud. He has to get up earlier for work than I do and it does not fail that every freaking morning he is waking me up bounding down the stairs like a galloping stead or making noise in his room or the bathroom like there are monkeys packing luggage in there. I have not worked out in two weeks because by the time I fall back asleep after being woken up, I just cannot will myself out of bed fifteen minutes later to get on the bike. I think I need to invest in some earplugs on the way home from work today. And there is no way that I am going downstairs to do yoga while he's down there eating breakfast. That brings me right around to my final problem with him.
He talks. All the time. About mostly nothing I am interested in. And I think even more than the non-stop lip service (and not the good kind) is the way he talks. Have you ever seen the movie American Pie? This one time, at band camp..... I'm not kidding you. He has somehow managed to make the last word of each sentence be in a higher pitch, making each statement a question. This reminds my of the girl Brian was dating on the Family Guy. Stewie points out that Brian's girlfriend had such an annoying talent of the question statement. He summed it up best when he told Brian: Your girl is an idiot.
Maybe the earplugs can help with this problem as well.