Blah Blah Blog

A collection of random thoughts and such from my clearly overactive mind. Happy, sad, crazy, sarcastic, witty, pre-occupied thoughts put out into the the universe. Well, at least put out into Cyberspace, anyway.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Unhealthy survey addiction?

I am a survey addy. I really like filling them out and reading other peoples' responses. It is an addiction. Though, not unhealthy. Like my chips and salsa addiction.

Do you give the peace sign a lot?
Not that I really can account for.

2. How many Abercrombie polos do you own?
0-I thought that was a menswear store

3. Whens the last time you kissed someone?
Um, I think October 24th. But it was pretty hot.

4. Can you do a cartwheel?
I used to be able to. I might bust my ass if I tried now!

5. Would you're board goofy or regular?
Is this a trick question?

6. How Many Times Have you been to the mall this week?
I was forced to be at the mall on Sunday. Two malls, actually, at Tyson's Corner.

7. Do you regret something you did yesterday?
Umm... I regret that I didn't work out, but I was exhausted.

8. Are you allergic to anything?
Yes, mostly pollen, but cheap lotion or body wash and a slew of detergents and soaps.

9. Have you ever been tubing?
Yes, and that was long, long ago!

10. Has school started yet?
Wait, I think I might be too old to be taking this survey.. ...

11. Do you own a guitar?
I used to, couldn't make the commitment to learn to play. I play the radio very well though.

12. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
No. but I've been in a fire engine before.

14. Who do you hate?
Hmmm.. isn't that bad chi? I'm not going to say that I hate anybody. That's too strong a word.

15. Crayons or markers?
Depends on the craft.

16. What age do you wish you were?
The first year completely out of menopause.

17. Do you shower facing the shower head or with your back to it?
Both. And I sing.

18. Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
Cellie in my left, change in my right.

19. What is the closest object to your right?
Jennifer, the Float Nurse.

20. Do you like school?
Did I like school? Not really. I like learning with out tests.

21. How many windows are up on your computer?

22. Do you share your computer with anyone?

23. What kind of cell phone doSamsungve?

24. What color are the walls of your room?
Almond, I think

25. Are you wearing socks?
Red with pink angels. Washer's broke- I need to buy new white socks, it's the only thing I've run out of in a week!

26. How many hours did you sleep last night?
Under 6, I think

27. Did you ever get the chicken pox?
When I was seven. My brother had them too.

30. Have you been outside your house yet today?
To leave for work.

31. What is the last movie you saw in theatres?
Employee of the month

32. Did youwasn'te it?
It wasn't constant laughter funny, but it had it's moments

[Relationship status]- number one single
[Parents Still Together]- 30+ years
[Siblings]- 1 brother
[Pets]- pet rock. It's okay, I have a fenced in yard.

[You believe in love at first sight?]- zazazoo at first sight, maybe.
[You believe in "the one?"]- oh hell no!
[Too shy to make the first move?]- I like to make the first move!
[Where do you want to live] Annapolis, MD
[How many kids do you want]- no one in their right mind would let me have kids!
[Do you want to get married]- nah- I'm more of the "permanent girlfriend" type

[Bought something]- yep- knock off Coach wristlet
[Gotten sick]-sick of charts, does that count?
[Sang]-beggingith Scarlet Begonias. who can resist?
[Felt stupid]- only mostly.
[Gotten high]- never
[Danced crazy]- not today
[Gotten your hair cut]-no, the last time the chick gave my bangs!
[Watched cartoons]- no cable
[Lied]-I never lie
[Hung out with friends] I sit next to one of my best friends all day, 5 days a week.

[Slept in your bed]- me, of course
[Saw you cry]- I can't remember who last actually saw me cry.
[Person you cried over]- my own circumstances
[SaAlisonvie with you]- Alyson
[That you talked on the phone with]- A patient
[That texted you] Lora, I think

[Been to California]- No
[Been to Europe]- no..
[Wished you were the opposite sex]- no- boys are messy

Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
The way that boys are messy!

Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Typing this survey when I should be working

Honestly, what did you do today?
Work work work work work work

Honestly, do you like someone?
Unfortunately, I'm realizing, I'm in a lotta like with someone.


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